Python List (Part II)
smart and simple
Let's learn about indexing and slicing of list
There are two types of index in the list
- positive index
- negative index
The positive index always starts from the first element and the negative from the last.
we can directly access elements using their index
my_list[0] --> output: 10
my_list[3] --> output: 40
my_list[-1] --> output: 60
+my_list[4] and my_list[-2] both will point to the same element.
let’s move to Slicing
Slicing is nothing but accessing a specific portion of the list where we can mention from which index we want and up to what index, we can also mention step size which we have seen in part I of the list article.
Always remember the end is exclusive
step size will be 1 by default.
suppose we want to extract the date, month, and year from the given date we can use the slicing concept.
Well, now you don’t have to study slicing again for string, NumPy arrays, or tuple because the same concept and steps are there.
In the next article, we will see functions in the list……..